Friday, April 23, 2010

Leather bracelet with words

I'm still doing remedial metal work to catch up with the other two. This time I cut a rectangle of brass, stamped a few letters, gently rounded it and drilled two holes. I cut a length of leather that I had bought for purse handles (and never used) to work as a bracelet. The leather was too thick for the snaps I had on hand, but I shaved it down enough to pound the snaps through it.

The metal is currently just held on with thread, but I need to work out some sort of rivet or something.

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Saturday, April 10, 2010


It's been a long time coming, but my garage is finally clean! (Well, the important half is, at least). This means that I have a more productive place to craft and to store supplies! Check it out:

Thursday, April 08, 2010

Crafting in a small apartment, part 1

Necessary items for crafting/metalworking in a small apartment:
  • Craft closet - you'll need a place to stash all of the crafting supplies with which you will make wonderful things. Make sure it's large enough to accommodate the results of your semi-delusional shopping trips where you tell yourself "I can make that!"
  • Plastic lap desk - who needs a jeweler's bench, or even a worktable?? The ones with the beanbag/polyfill on the bottom are great. Get one that's small enough that you can hang your sheet metal off the side when you're sawing.
  • Damp paper towel(s) - they make a great substitute for a concrete floor. Instead of sweeping up the metal dust, you fold 'em up, give the plastic lap desk a swipe, and toss 'em in the trash.
  • Understanding neighbors/no neighbors at all/neighbors you can blackmail - the hammering and the high pitched whine of the rotary tool can bring out the crazy in people unless you a) have no neighbors, b) your neighbors are rarely home, c) your neighbors are deaf, or d) your neighbors have a hobby that's just as loud - say, for example, inviting their tone-deaf friends over for some country karaoke.

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Wednesday, April 07, 2010


So, in an effort to prove the adage of "practice makes perfect," I've dug out all my old metalworking tools - or at least those I could locate with relative ease - and started to dust off my metalworking skills. It appears that I'll need to replace my files and upgrade my rotary tool, but I did manage to come up with a decent first effort. My intent is to make a couple more elephant figures and put them together (with jump rings?) into a bracelet. My sister suggested interspersing circular copper punchouts as if the elephants were playing with circus balls.

And I only snapped one saw blade making it =)

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